A heartbroken girlfriend attacker her boyfriend's fan after she saw a picture of him allegedly celebrating the birth of his secret baby with his mistress on Facebook.
Antonia Chinn, 50, said she found out about her ex-partner's newborn when a friend showed her the picture of him in the hospital delivery room cradling the girl.
She went to confront Nathan Wilmott at his garage in Southover, Somerset, found another woman who claimed to be with him and kicked his van - landing her in court.
Antonia Chinn, 50, said she found out about her ex-partner's newborn when a friend showed her the picture of him in the hospital delivery room cradling the girl.
She went to confront Nathan Wilmott at his garage in Southover, Somerset, found another woman who claimed to be with him and kicked his van - landing her in court.
Antonia Chinn had no idea Nathan Willmott was playing away until a friend congratulated HER on the new arrival, a court heard.

Antonia, 50, had just returned from a romantic holiday with mechanic Nathan when she was congratulated on the birth, after bumping into an acquaintance at the local shop.
She knew nothing about the baby until that moment.
The acquaintance then showed Antonia a picture of Nathan holding the baby in a hospital delivery room, which had been posted on Facebook.
Antonia immediately went round to his garage to confront him, and discovered his lover there.
The woman claimed to be in a relationship with Nathan.
When Nathan returned to the garage in his recovery vehicle, Antonia blew her top and kicked out at his van causing a dent in the front panel.Antonia admitted kicking her ex's van after discovering he had fathered a child with another woman
The incident landed Antonia in court before Somerset Magistrates sitting at Yeovil.
The court heard the victim, who owned his own body repair workshop, had demanded £2,400 in compensation for what was described by Antonia as a small dent.
After hearing the tale of cheating, the magistrates ordered Antonia to pay him just £50 compensation.
Antonia, from Dulcote, pleaded guilty to damaging a recovery vehicle at Webbs Garage in Southover, Wells, belonging to Nathan on April 22 this year.
Greg Peters, defending, said Antonia had gone on holiday with her partner in March and on her return went to a local shop, where she was approached by an acquaintance who said: “Congrats on your baby.”
Mr Peters said: “The person then showed her a post on Facebook from Mr Wilmott in the delivery room holding a baby.After finding out, Antonia kicked out at Nathan's van causing a dent in the front panel
“Confused, she went to her partner’s garage with the intention of finding out what was going on and whilst there she met another lady who said she was also in a relationship with the complainant.
“She became angry and accepts remonstrating with her partner when he returned in his tow truck and kicked out at it. Mr Wilmott grabbed hold of her and there was a tussle between both of them.”
When Antonia was interviewed by police she admitted the offence saying it had not been premeditated.
She said she was not impressed by her actions and accepted what she did was totally wrong and wanted to apologise.She became angry and accepts remonstrating with her partner when he returned in his tow truck and kicked out at it. Mr Wilmott grabbed hold of her and there was a tussle between both of them.Greg Peters - Antonia Chinn's Solicitor
Prosecutor Christine Hart said that the incident had been caught on CCTV at the garage that Nathan Wilmott ran.
“A small dent was seen on the van by the police although the complainant alleges there was more damage than that, however there is no evidence to prove this,” she said.
The magistrates told Antonia they had given her some credit for her guilty plea which was entered on the day of a scheduled trial and also understood she had apologised for the offence. No orders were made for costs or a victim surcharge.
A lesson for the horny grandmothers dating younger men.