A massive sea creature which is as long as a double-decker bus at 35-foot was washed-up on the British coast North Devon shore and people .
Alarmed locals near Hartland Quay in Devon alerted government agencies after the dead mammal believed to be a whale was spotted on the beach 4pm yesterday.
Sarah Stafford, manager of Hartland Quay Hotel and Pub, told Devon Live: “We have reported it to the government on their specialist whale and dolphin hotline. It's huge but it's definitely dead.
Dead carcasses of whales can sometimes become a hazard for people walking past as gas inside their stomachs occasionally makes them explode.
People have been warned to stay well away from the creature due to the risk of disease and the dangerous location it is in.
Cheryl Fan Daerden, a member of the British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR), said: ”Whales can carry lots of diseases which can be passed on to humans so we would advise members of the public not to get too close.
"It is also worth reminding people that it is illegal to remove any part of a whale which has washed up, so please keep your distance."
"Exceptionally foggy drive and not the easiest access through slippery jagged rocks in the dark, but someone's gotta do it!
"Unfortunately it was dead, possibly awhile ago, 9-10 metres at least and suspected small fin whale or large minke whale.
"Very sad to see it flopped over and lodged amongst the rocks and blood in the rockpools, but to see a whale in its entirety is still pretty awesome."
Imagine if this were to be Africa, especially Nigeria. She would be devoured in minutes irrespective of any slippery jagged rocks.