True Story - Xmas Eve BBW Fuck

True Story

Only the names have changed to protect her.

I thought I would write this story after the person no longer works for me.

They have moved to another state.

I own a small company that installs and maintains computers for the hospitality industry. I have maybe about 30 employees from computer tech to sales. Almost 98 percent of my employees are men. The only woman in the company actually hire all my employees. She is a great judge of talent and character. So far every year I have thrown a Christmas party the day before Christmas. We usually throw the party at a down town hotel or out in the burbs near my house. This year I gave instructions that each associate could bring a date or there significant other to the party. Kinda of reward for all there great work for the year. We had the party at a hotel over looking the Inner Harbor in down town Baltimore. I brought in a caterer for the food and had a open bar for the night. I was to give a small speech and sing a few Christmas carols.

It was a casual attire event with no dress code or exchange of presents. We had a secret Santa the week before. I got another boring tie. I slipped on some tight black jeans. With a black long sleeve polo shirt that fitted my upper body quite nicely. I put on some black leather shoes with no socks. I had a black leather winter coat that i brought along. I had s mall goatee on the chin and shaved my hair kinda of short. Through on some cologne and headed to the party a little early. I took a taxi in from Owing Mills where I lived to down town. I did not want to drive after having a few drinks. I met everyone at the entrance to the ball room in the hotel. I would say about 70 percent of my employees brought someone to the party. Travis a tech geek brought his Mom which was kinda of cute.

I kinda of kept a low profile and wondered over to the bar at the edge of the room. There was the main bar were everyone was at the other side of the room. The dance floor in the middle and some 90's rock band playing pop hits on the other side. I was having a rum and coke paying no attention. I sat on a bar stool and ate some peanuts at the end of the bar next to a big plastic plant. I was going to bring someone to the party but decide it might be better to be solo for the night. I did not want everyone talking about who or who I did not bring. Plus the only women who really wanted to go was going to her Christmas party with her husband and kids. That a whole another story for a different time.

I was talking to the bartender a young kid when I heard a women sit down next to me. She was about arms length away. She had come to the party with her husband Chuck. He had worked for me for about a month. He was a sub contractor who installs cable for the network at different hotel sites. He connects everything to make sure there is power before the install. He was still talking to his wife. She was upset that he came to the party late and he did not tell her about the party until he got home today. She was also upset that he was drinking. I was still not paying much attention to them. I got another drink and turned on the bar stool to see what everyone at the party was up to. I looked over at the other bar and saw everyone was having a good time. I saw a few guys were drinking a little much but no one was getting out of hand.

I now turned my head and saw Chuck talking to his wife. She was talking to him and shaking her head. She was about 5ft 6 with dark black hair with reddish high lites through out. It was cut just past her shoulder. She was wearing no jewelery but her wedding band. Her finger nails were painted dark red to match her toe nails. She was wearing dark hose that ran up her large calves and thighs. I could see a small dark rose tattoo on one calf and a barb wire on her left ankle. She was also wearing a dark red skirt that was above her knees. She had a black corset under her dark red top to match her skirt. Her ass was quite large and it hung down a little on the bar stool. Her breast were also large and were trying to come out the top of her corset. I could tell she had taken her time to tighten the corset to the top of her back. I could see the criss cross of the black leather straps on her back under the dark red. I have a tiny thing for may we say bigger ladies. I like a women who is confident in her body no matter the size. Also a women who likes to go out and have fun but really likes to show off her curves. I think there nothing more sexy than a BBW who is showing off her voluptuous body and mind. Julia had 46KK breast - 40 inch waist and had a 62 inch ass.

I was trying not to stare or make it to obvious. I sipped my drink as I saw they were still fighting. After a few more minutes Chuck left the bar and headed toward the men's room. I still sat there trying not to make eye contact with anyone. I put down my drink when I heard the band go take a break. A few minutes later I gave my stupid speech about being a better boss and looked forward to the upcoming year. I walked back and took my seat at the bar stool I just left. I saw Chuck wife watch me as I came back to sit down.

"Hi, my name Julia. Are you really the owner of the company. Your so young and well mannered." I smiled. "Yes, that's me. Merry Christmas!" I said. She giggled. "My husband is Chuck. He mention you the other day when he got his Christmas bonus on his pay check. He was actually nice for a minuter or two. Ha Ha Ha!" she said. "That's cool. I have seen him a few times at different job sites." I said. "Where your date for the evening? Are you married or playing the field." she said. "Wow you ask alot of questions. No date and not married. No kids ether if that was the next question. At least that I am not aware of. I hope I never have to go on Maury or Jerry." I said. She laughed pretty hard and ordered a drink. She gulped it down. Then two more shots before she came up for some air. "You might want to slow down there Julia. the Christmas party not over for another couple of hours." I said. "My husband want to go home soon. He has been drinking for some time. He not to big on social events or taking me out. He refers to me as the big girl in the room. His favorite is fat ass when were alone." she said as she order another drink.

I was a little stunned at the moment. My mouth was kinda of opened as she reached for her drink. I thought Julia was quite sexy in her outfit. I was also quite sure she was not bull shitting about her husband making fun of her. She looked very serious and pissed about him. "You know he did not tell me about the party tonight until he got home. The he did not want to even bring me. I think he wanted me to come to drive his ass back after the party. I got all dressed up for him. By the time we left the house he was already half in the bag from drinking beer. He has some nerve calling my heavy when he weighs so much. I think I look good for being 29 and having one kid." Julia said. I kinda of was at lost for words. I did not want to act rude and not talk to Julia. I also I did not want to get in the middle of her and Chuck. I figured they could resolve the matter. I got up and excused myself. I walked over to the other bar and had a few shots with some guys. I then walked over to that bathroom.

I walked back to the other bar and sat down at my original bar stool. I noticed Julia was not there. I ordered a Absolute Vodka and Cranberry. A few seconds later I got a tap on my left shoulder. I turned my head to see Julia was standing right next to me. She had reapplied her perfume and smelled very sexy. I smiled as I sipped my drink. "Hey would you like to dance with me. I can't seem to find my husband. I really like to dance. Please! Please!" she said. I got off my bar stool and danced with Julia near the bar but not on the dance floor. I checked around and most people were still talking to each other. They seem not to pay any attention to Julia or I. I was kinda of happy. I did not want to make a scene or have other gossip behind my back. I made sure to dance with two other girls while Julia kinda of dance with us. I sat down and watched Julia dance with the girls also. I think girls have a secret code when they get together to dance fast songs. I also think bigger girls love to dance more.

I was talking to the bartender and checked my watch. It was close to 10pm when I felt another tap on my shoulder again. It was Julia and she ran her finger nails down my back stopping above my black leather belt. I smile as I turned. She started to talk but she then dragged me off the bar stool. The band had switched up and were playing a slow song. I was kinda of in a awkward moment not sure what to do when she put her arms around my neck. Her chest was now on my body just above my abs. I put my hands on her back just above her ass. I locked them in place not wanting to go farther down. I looked down as she smiled into my eyes. She turned her head to put it on my shoulder. "Its nice to dance with such a tall man. Especially one who is so nice." Julia said. 'Thanks, you dance very well." I said. "I can shake this big ass with anybody. I love to dance. I really like to dance slow. Its been since a wedding 4 years ago that my husband danced with me. I need to get out more. That for fucking sure." Julia said.

We dance two more slow songs. I held her kinda of tight but not to tight to make others stare at us. I could feel her large breast rub against my abs and stomach. Her right nipple had become a little hard from my shirt. She smelled great and when we got done dancing she walked in front of me back to the bar. I watched her big ass shake as she tried to keep her balance on those high heels. For such a big girl she moved very graceful. We order another round before I finally saw her reach for her hand bag on the floor next to my bar stool. She pulled out her cell phone which was ringing. "Hi, What am I doing? What the hell are you doing? I know its late. My Mom watching her until tomorrow. We don't have to get her until 2pm at my Mothers. How many drinks have you had. Big Pause!!! I have a couple too. I'm actually over at the bar where you left me hours ago. Goodbye!!!" Julia said.

"Damn this Christmas party was so nice. I had fun dancing with you. Chuck wants to go home. I think he might be too drunk. He is definitely no shape to drive. He is so hard to deal with when he drinks. Do you know where I can get a taxi?" Julia said. "Sure follow me." I said. I got of my bar stool and gave a $50 to the kid bartender. I shook a few hands as I walked Julia out of the ballroom. We took a elevator ride to the lobby of the hotel. It was close to 10:40pm when we walked outside the hotel to find Chuck. Of course he was no where to be found. I excuse myself while Julia kept looking outside. I went to the coat check and got my jacket. I asked the girl working if she had Julia's jacket. I did not have the ticket but I looked around and spotted a matching jacket to Julia outfit. The girl got the red/black jacket. I saw it was a size 3-4XL. It was pretty hot with a black zipper and a few buttons on the top. It had a big red fluffy collar at the top of the jacket.

I walked back outside with my coat on. I spotted Julia and Chuck at the end of the driveway on the side of the hotel in traffic. He was trying to cross the road and she was trying not to let him get hit by a car int he street. I kinda of laughed as I walked down to them. "Hey that my jacket, how did you know?" said Julia. "I thought it matched your outfit. I really like the fluffy collar. How Chuck doing?" I said. She laughed. "Well you sure pay attention to a girl. Chuck would be doing better if he was home right now. Can you help me get him in a cab?" she said. I turned to hail a cab. I walked Chuck over to the cab. I opened the front door and he sat next to the driver. I straighten back up and turned to see Julia. I caught her staring at my butt in my jeans. "Are you ok there Julia. Chuck all buckled in the front seat. Have a nice night. Merry Christmas you two." I said.

"Stop! Wait!! I mean don't go just yet. Thanks for your help. He is ok to get in the cab now but when we get home it might be another story trying to get him in the house. We live in Columbia MD, about 35 minuted from here. I don't mean to be a pain. But could you share a cab with us. I forgot my wallet at home and I don't want to ask Chuck. I will pay you back for the cab when I get some money from the jar on the kitchen table." Julia said. "I live in the opposite direction. Plus I am not sure if I said good bye to everyone at the party. I don't want to be rude." I said. "Please!!! Please!!! Pretty Please!! With sugar on top. You already have your jacket on. Plus the party dieing down. I saw a few people leaving already. Are you a big football fan? Do you like the Baltimore Ravens? My husband has a huge collection of stuff in our basement. " Julia said. I nodded my head "Yes". "Its got to be quick. I need to get home to wrap some last minuted gifts." I said.

I opened the back door and helped Julia get in the back seat. It was a big old broken leather seat with a few holes in it. There were some wrappers on the floor and the nice smell of Beer in the back. Chuck was already asleep as we got on I95 heading towards Columbia MD. I smiled as I looked at Julia who big tits were bouncing from the driver hitting a few pot holes. She smiled as she got closer to me in the back seat. It was kinda of weird sitting there next to her as her husband was asleep in the front seat. The driver kept his eyes forward as Julia and I talked. It turned out that over the last few years her and Chuck had grown apart. He liked going out. She liked staying in. She had put on some weight after her pregnancy and birth to there daughter a few years ago. He was always trying to get her to diet. When that failed he just teased her about her wight all the time. He made fun of her in front of there family and friends when ever he could. She knew Christmas with her family would not be fun tomorrow with Chuck. I felt bad but did not want to say anything. I just gave her a friendly hug and told her to hang in there.

It was close to 1130pm when we got to there home. It was down at the end of the road off the highway. Just into the country before a large town house development. The driver pulled into there driveway. I opened the back door and got Julia out. I opened the front door and got Chuck out. I pushed him against the door and held him up as I paid the cab driver. I gave him 3-$20 and told him to have a Merry Christmas. He gave me his card if I need a ride later after putting Chuck to bed. He was off duty and lived about 25 minutes away. But he would come back if I needed him. I put my money clip back in my jeans and walked Chuck to his front door. He smelled pretty bad. Julia was in front of me and she open the front door. She clicked on a few lights in the house while I stood just inside the house. They had a nice big house on the inside. Kinda of a large town house. Big living room, dining room and kitchen on the main floor. Three bedrooms upstairs and a big garage. A finished basement downstairs.

She grabbed Chuck arm and lead him up the stairs. He followed in front of her as she pushed him up the stairs. I kinda of winced when he hit his head on the wall at the top of the stairs. I looked around the living room checking out the white leather sofa and chairs. "Go in the kitchen. Open the door to the basement. Go down and check out the football stuff. I know your dieing to see it." Julia yelled from her bed room. I took off my shoes. Placed my jacket on the coffee table in the living room. I walked inside the kitchen. Followed the stairs to the basement.

A few minuted later I heard the sound of water in the pipes form upstairs. I heard a door slam. I walked over to far wall and was checking out some signed footballs. Seems Chuck was just like me a big Ravens fan. Had a nice autograph of some of the players. Had a few shots of different games him and Julia had been too. She looked very cute all dressed in purple at the stadium. They sat in the opposite side were my seats are but the picture was a couple of years ago. They were no kids things in the basement. I looked around and saw a big sliding glass door that lead to the outside. They had a small back yard. A few toys on the grass and snow. There was a big wooden bar and 4 large red bar stools around the front. There was a big black leather couch, a black love seat and a big lazy boy in front of a huge flat screen. I heard some heels click on the ceiling above my head. I then heard the fridge door open and few seconds later I saw Julia heels come down the stairs.

She had taken off her coat and had two wine glasses in her right hand. She had a bottle of white wine in her left hand. "We ran out of beer. Big shocker there but I did find a bottle of white wine. I hope that is ok?" she said with a smile. "Sure, let me open it." I said. I walked around her bar. I found the bottle opener. After a quick few turns I pulled out the cork. I poured us some wine as Julia talked about her love for football. She loved to go to the games but over the last few years did not go with Chuck anymore. He liked to take his friends and this way he did not have to take her out. I explained how I have season tickets and love going to the games. I even told her how my friends and I rent a RV for some road games. She laughed when I told her how we like to get drunk and moon people as they pass the RV. I checked my watch and it was now passed midnight. She giggled when I said Merry Christmas.

"I have a serious question now. This whole time we talked tonight. You have been so nice to me. You have not said anything bad about me. You held the door. You introduce me to people. You smiled. You paid for things. I really need to know if you think I am fat? Do you think I am pretty? I need to now the truth now mister!!!" she said. I put my drink on the bar. Julia was now sitting in front of bar looking at me. "Hmmm how do I put this. I mean I just met you a short time ago. At a Christmas party for my company. Hmmm I think you very cute, sexy and adorable. I think your honest, caring and maybe to a fault to nice to people. You need to get out and enjoy your self. You need to be more confident in your self. You have a nice big body and should be more confident in the things you do. If it makes you happy to feel better than do that. Just don't always listen to people who are negative all the time about your weight. You are a big girl and show that when you go out. Don't be all covered up all the time. A little leg won't kill ya.

She smiled as I kept talking to her. "I work out most of the time. I walk or go hiking in the woods near my house. I like to ride my bike. But I can eat allot of things that don't make me gain a pound. I try always to go out looking good no matter what I do. Always confident, clean, and no clutter in my life. You can start doing small things to make your self feel better. If you happy then do what you want. Stop listening to everybody." I said. "Can you wait right here. I really have to show you something. I bought myself something for Christmas. From Santa to me. I know Chuck would never buy it. I need your honest opion. Wait right here." Julia said.

I was getting a little warm in the basement and checked the thermostat on the wall. I then took a seat on the middle bar stool and sipped my wine. What seemed like along time was probably no more than 10 minutes before I heard Julia come back into her kitchen. She open the basement door and walked down. She had a big Christmas package all wrapped in her small hands. "I guess I will show you what Santa got me. He He He!!" she said. She took off the red bow and placed in my fore head. She then slowly open the gift box. She had order the gift from a big girl boutique shop on the Internet. It was still in its package as she took it out of the gift box. She giggled as she opened the package. "My girl friend orders this stuff all the time. She told me it gets her boy friend all hot for her. She told me I should order it too. Kinda of a Christmas gift to myself. I am sure Santa would approve." Julia said.

I was still trying to figure out what I had gotten myself into. I did not start out the night thinking about women or hoping to get lucky before the night was over. I purposely hid out at the party. I did not bring a date. I had my employees bring dates so I would not be tempted. Know I am sitting in the basement of an employee home with his wife who is in the middle of showing me sexy lingerie which she hopes attract her husband. I just closed me eyes for a second to think about something else. When I heard, "Well what do you think about it sweety. I mean its so cute isn't it. Well!!!" she said. "Yes!! Yes! it looks great. That is very cute and sexy Julia." I said. It really was. She pulled it out of the gift box. It was a size 3XL-4XL. It was a black fishnet and see through sheer body suit. The fishnets ran from the top of her ankles to just above her upper thigh. Then the sheer stocking went up the rest of the way to show off the stomach and chest area. I could just imagine what her ass would look like. The arms were covered in the fish net from the person elbow to inside of there hands. It ran one loop around your palm to make the body suit very tight. The collar set high on the women neck in the picture on the package.

"Our you sure this is ok. I hope you don't mind that I say I am kinda of feeling a little uncomfortable. I mean you are married and you husband is upstairs." I said. "Its ok he is fast asleep. You need a bomb to wake his ass up. Why can't I have a little fun. I am just showing you what Santa got me. No harm in that. You just said I need to be more confident in my body. Did you not." she said. "Well I guess I did. Hmm why look it the time. I might need to give that taxi guy a call before he goes to sleep." I said. "Oh yeah. Hey can you wait just a few more minutes. I need to go do something really quick. Don't move a muscle." Julia said. With that she took the gift box and body suit. She headed upstairs.

My hands were sweating and the red bow on my forehead fell off. A few minutes later I heard the water in the pipes again. Then a few minutes later some heels clicking in the kitchen on the floor. Then the basement door opened. I then saw some red heels with a gold stem on the end of the heel come down the stairs first. She stepped lightly on the carpeted stairs as I could now see the black fishnets starting at her ankles. I could see her tattoo's from earlier. She had on a black french cut pair of panties. It was not as small as a thong but cut short to show off her big ass from behind. She twirled in a circle to show her nice ass off to me. I had to adjust my eyes as she got closer. She dimmed the lights in half of the basement as she clicked the switch on the wall. As she got closer I finally noticed she was not wearing a bra. The sheer see through stocking showed off her large breast. She had a one inch silver bar through her left nipple. The other nipple was pierced with a red and white candy cane. Both her nipples were rock hard as she was now only a foot from me. I saw she was wearing a silver chain around her neck that was laying on top of her big chest. She placed her hands on her big hips.

"Well big boy what do you think now? Do I still look as sexy as I feel. Not bad for big girl. Don't you think." she said. I just nodded my head yes with my mouth still opened slightly. I was someone hesitant what to do next but she looked some damn hot. I was very conflicted in my thoughts. I was just about ready to say something when she grabbed my glass of wine and took a sip. She then leaned over me brushing her left breast against my right upper arm. She smiled as she looked into my eyes from the side. I was still in some of what of a shock when she turned her hips so her ass was just about 2 inch's from the front of my black jeans. "Hey!!" was I'll I could muster out of my mouth. Julia placed her hands on her hips and began to shake her body from head to toe. My mouth now was very wide open when I saw her big ass jiggle below my stool.

I wiped my forehead as she continued to shake her ass. She then brought her hands onto my knees. She turned her head to smile. She then leaned her black sheer covered ass into the front of my jeans. I as rocked hard and I am sure she could feel my hard cock inside my jeans with her ass. She kept rubbing up against me as she shook her body. She tossed her hair to the right. Then slowly she stood up right with her back into my chest. She dropped her hands in my inner thighs and began to rub my thighs. I was kinda of in a daze what to do next. I was trying to be good but her body was making me go insane with pleasure. She took my hands and placed them on her hips as she rolled her body into my hands and chest. "Wow you feel rally nice there Buck. I love your big hands. Your body is so ripped from working out all the time." she said. I smiled as she continued to shake her hips and big ass against me.

I was having a hard time not being able to move my hands. On one hand I wanted to touch her whole entire body but the other hands was trying to say no. I was enjoying her little dance for me when she spun around causing my hands to touch her big ass then stopping in front of her belly. She was starting to sweat a little and looked some what flush as she stared into my eyes. I open my mouth but could get out only "Jul-ummpph" as she started to kiss my lips. Damn could she kiss. I could feel her tongue deep inside my mouth as my eyes were still open but I noticed her were closed. I then felt her hands rub my chest. She finally broke the kiss. "Fuck yeah. Damn Buck you got some hot lips. Then she fell back into my arms and we made out again.

I finally decide to enjoy my self and stop fighting my urges. I let my hands fall on her lower back and squeezed her tighter. She dropped her head back when I started to kiss her neck and pull her hair. She then reached up and ran her hands through my short hair. I began to massage her big ass through the sheer stocking. Both my big hands looked and felt small on her large butt cheeks. I loved it as I could feel them get hotter from my touch. She bit my upper lip when I let go over her hair from the back. So I reached up again and pulled her hair down her back. I moved her sideways with my hands and knees. Her butt was in my right hand. Her large breast and face were facing the other way. I ran my left hand up her hip and then up her left breast the one closer to my body. I slapped her ass with my right hand as she winced in a little pain. My hand stung from the stocking as I continued to spank her ass from the side.

I could see a bright red hand imprint on her left butt cheek under the stocking. She was moving her thighs and legs to each spanking of my hand. I could tell she was really liking this. Her breathing had increased and she began to moan very low at first. I grabbed her neck with my left hand to keep her from toppling over on my knee in front of the bar. I could tell she was close to having an orgasm from the heat and smell of the basement. I brought my left hand down to begin to fondle her big boobs inside the black stocking. She brought her head back. I moved my right hand down her back over her big ass. I then started to rub the inside of her thighs. The material was then on the inside. I got a hold of her black panties on the back and started to pull them up causing her to moan loud. "O my god, Yes! Yes!! Yes!! I'm cumming. Damn it. Yes! Yes!1 O god Yes you bastard." said Julia.

She turned and was now facing me. She brought her hands up to the bottom of my shirt. She pulled from the bottom causing the shirt to go over my head and onto the bar. She bent forward. Her encased chest sat on my lap as she licked my nipples and bare chest. She sucked on each nipple getting them nice and hard. She then kissed me as she brought her hands up the inside of my thighs. She stood straight up when she got her fingers on my black leather belt buckle. She looked into my eyes as she unbuckled my pants one silver button at a time. She then ripped open my button fly jeans and saw my white cotton boxer briefs. She pulled down my jeans over my ankles onto the floor. She squatted on her big thighs as I could see her large butt bounce up inches from the floor.

I watched as she took her small hands and placed them on he front of my white cotton briefs. She traced my cock from the tip of my cock head to my big hairless balls stopping to give my balls a squeeze. "Wow baby. I felt this cock so much tonight against me. I have to see this monster. God he feels so good. I need so this monster." she said. With that she dug her nails into my upper thigh and pulled down my underwear to my ankles. "Fuck yea baby. Would you look at him. I need him in my mouth." She then leaned up pulling my underwear to the floor and widening my legs to accommodate her body.

She placed her tongue on my large purple head and swirled her tongue down my shaft. She ran her tongue down the vein in my dick trying to get more of my cock in her tiny mouth. Her red lips expanded leaving small red marks on my cock. I could feel her large breast against my thighs as she began to slurp and make noise with my dick. I could see the inside of her mouth expanded and her large cheeks next to her tiny nose expanded out. I put my right hand on her head as she picked up the rhythm of sucking my cock. She was very good. I had found that most bigger girls do it better. They love to put things in there mouth and Julia was no exception. I could feel her nice hair shake as she accommodated more of my cock in her mouth. She had little more than half down her throat before she gagged and spit my cock back up. "Sorry. I have never had such a big cock in my mouth before. My husband is about 1/3 of what you have. I love it baby!!!!" said Julia.

I was watching her head bob up and down as she making slurping noise on my cock. She took my cock out and stuck my big balls in her mouth. She ran them around in her hot mouth. I reached down and slapped her face and forehead with my cock. She smiled. She then kissed the inside of my thighs. I watched as she stood up. She leaned in and got a few kiss while pulling my cock with her tiny hands. I could feel her nail polish on her right fingers as she scratched my back. She broke our kiss and stuck my wet cock between her tits. She started to stroke my cock with the fabric of her sheer body stocking. I was kinda of in pain and she stopped. It was rubbing against my cock making it kinda of painful. She started to kiss my penis making it feel better. She put my hard back in her mouth. I could now see her ass shake as she made me close to cumming. "I'm pretty close Julia, you might want to take him out." I said. She just sucked harder so I unleashed a huge amount of cum in her mouth. The first blast she kinda of took but the second and third and more came out of her mouth as she gagged. She kept sucking my cock as I drilled her face, chin and all over her huge breast.

She finally let go of my cock. It was still twitching. She was covered in white and dripping on her chin as she scooped up the evidence and placed it in her hungry mouth. She licked her fingers clean. Some of the load had gotten on her body stocking. The top of the black stocking had turned darker in spots. I watched as she walked over to the far side of the basement and reached into a desk drawer. She walked back with a pair of scissors in her right hand. She looked into my eyes as she began to cut her black body stocking. She cut two small holes freeing her large pierced nipples. I reached down to tweak each nipple as she leaned against me on the bar stool. She then put her fingers in the hole making a ripping noise as the holes got bigger.

I started to fondle her nipples more. She took her large breast out of the big holes. She looked so hot with the body stocking around her engorged breast. Her nipples were very hard as she closed her eyes. I started to suck and squeeze her breast. I brought them up to my lips and face as she she stood on her tippy toes in her heels. Her pussy was rubbing against my now semi hard cock. She placed her hands on my shoulders as I kissed and sucked her large breast. I had my head buried in her cleavage as she smiled. I felt her hand was on my cock. "Does he ever go limp Buck?? Does he want to play again?" she said. I gave her a wink and she shook her head "Yes". She mouthed I love it baby.

I took the scissors as she followed me over to the black leather couch on the side of the basement facing the flat screen TV. I laid down on my back with my head on the arm rest. She leaned down to kiss my penis. She then began to kiss my abs and flat stomach. I watched her kiss my nipples and then we kissed again. Her mouth was so hot. "Come here sexy. Put your hands on the arm rest and let me feel those big breast on my face." I said. She walked around and placed her hands on the arm rest. Her amazing breast fell down into my mouth. She rubbed them all over my face. Smothering me with those big jugs. I was loving very much. I then grabbed them pulling her down onto my chest. She quickly got the idea and crawled on top of me. Her face was on my crotch as she went back to sucking my cock. Her chest and breast were on my stomach. Her thighs were next to my ears. All her weight was on her knees which were on the arm rest. Her feet and her heels were parallel to the arm rest.

I took the scissors in my right hand. I gently cut a small hole in the front of her body stocking near her pussy. I could smell her inches from my face. I then used my fingers to make the hole bigger. She stopped sucking my cock once she realized the hole in her stocking was big enough for my tongue to enter her hot pussy. She was completely shaved and I could see her tiny cunt lips come out of hiding. She tensed up when I inserted my middle finger in her tight pussy. I fingered and sucked her pussy harder as she returned to sucking my cock. She was now able to get more of my cock inside her throat. She was now about almost to the base with her red lips. I continued to eat her pussy as she orgasmed 2-3 more times. I was dieing to fuck her but was waiting for her to give me a sign. She kept sucking my cock making moans. I brought my head back form her pussy. I started to slap her ass. She lost her balance and fell onto my body. Her knees were no longer on the arm rest. "Am i hurting you Buck. Baby!! Are you ok." she said. "Yes, I am ok. I love the way you feel on me. Stop your ok." I said.

A few minutes later Julia got up. I stood up next to her in front of the couch. We started to make out again and I reached around to play with her big ass. She wiggled around in my arms when I slapped her ass again. She pulled away and got on the couch. She placed her face on the couch near the top of the back cushion. She reached underneath her pussy to try to tear open her body suit some more. I leaned down and grabbed the small hole over her pussy. I then pulled up tearing a big hole in he stocking. I now got the stocking around her large ass. The material slid down her large hips as I rubbed her butt. She turned her head to look over her shoulder. "Buck! Before you do this. I need you to promise me something. I can't let you fuck my pussy. As much as I want that big cock of your I know I will regret it. I let my husband do this once to me. He hated it but I kinda of liked it. Just go gently!!!" she said.

She arched her back. I placed her two feet together. Her legs were close together and her bald pussy was looking right at me. It was dripping from her being so wet. I spit on my cock head and ran the saliva down the shaft to my balls. I pulled her ass cheeks apart as I slowly brought my cock head to her small ass hole. I spit on her little tight hole. I swirled my middle finger in my mouth. I then slowly inserted my middle finger in her little ass hole. She was so fucking hot with her body stocking ripped. Her big ass taking my middle finger. Her pussy dripping. Her big breast pressed against the seat cushion. Her face in the back cushion. Did I mention my cock was now hard and just at the tip of going in her ass. I quickly took out my middle finger.

With one quick thrust I inserted my cock. She was so tight as she screamed. "FUCK!!!!!!!!!! Fuck me!! Fuck that cock his huge!! You going to fast!! Forget that!! Harder! Harder! Yes you mother fucker was all she could scream as I got half my cock in to her tight hole. I love fucking women more than anything. I love the pussy more but in this case how could I refuse. I grabbed her hips and we picked up the rhythm. I then stopped and slapped her ass. First on the sides then on the top. I ran my finger nails down her back as she fucked my cock. "That's it Julia come on Fuck me! Fuck your hole is tight." I said. I leaned down with my right hand to finger her pussy. I took some of her pussy juices and rubbed it on my cock to get more in her butt hole. She orgamsed 3 times before she put two fingers in her pussy so I could slap her ass. I was close to cumming and wanted to do ne more thing. I reached up with both of my hands as she had her hands on the side of her butt cheeks pulling them apart. I took her hands and placed them on her lower back. I began to pound her ass harder. With both her hands on her back in my right hand. I reached with my left hand and pulled her long hair. She screamed "Fuck!! Fuck yes!! I explded deep inside her ass. I could feel my hot load run up the side of shaft and come out her back door as she contined to fuck me.

It was alomst 5am when I finally left Julia and Chuck house. I finally got Julia naked. We took along bath together in the basement bath room. I got to cumm one more time from fucking her breast. We washed away the evdience and we cleaned the basement. She gave me a long kiss at the door before I walked out and caught a cab. The cab driver from last night was asleep but the new guy got me back to Ownings Mills before 6am. I took along nap before I spent the rest of Christmas with my family and some friends.

I had not talked to Julia or Chuck since Christmas eve. It had been a few days after that I got a email from Julia. She had looked me up on Myspace. She saw my pics. She thanked me for that evenng in her basement. She had things to work out with her husband. She wanted it to be just a one time thing. I kinda of understood and was still a little confused. I sent her an email thanking her for a wonderful night. Also add if she need anything to let me know. At the beginning of March I got a letter in my inbox at work. Chuck had given his two week notice. He was moving to Pennslynia for a new job.

On Friday March 27, I got an email. I clicked on the message. There was naked women wearing a ripped sheer body stocking. I have to come back to Baltimore to get a few things from my basement that I forgot. Can you meet me at my house. I forgot to pay you for the cab ride on Christmas Eve.

Ps. Nothing off limits not even your favorite part of my body! Love Julia.

What should I do???