Family demands Justice for bikini model in whipped cream accident as police probe opened

The 32 year-old fitness blogger, Rebecca Burger's family claim she was killed by a whipped cream canister

A probe into the tragic death of a fitness model killed by a whipped cream canister has been opened.

The death of Rebecca Burger, 32, was announced on social media by her family this week.

According to them, she was killed when a faulty whipped cream canister exploded.

Now an investigation is being opened in her hometown of Mulhouse, France.

“We are aware of a recent siphon accident and unfortunately can only regret it”Ard’time

Beyond announcing the probe, the prosecutor made no further comment. The whipped cream dispenser allegedly at fault was reportedly made by Ard’time.

On its blog, the manufacturer insisted the product was pulled from the market in February 2013.

It said further efforts had been made to reach those who'd already bought them, reaching 100,000 customers.
"Unfortunately, there are still lots of siphons of all brands that remain potentially dangerous," the blog post warned.

The firm did not refer to Rebecca by name, but said it was "aware of a recent siphon accident and unfortunately can only regret it".

According to reports, the exploding canister hit the victim in the chest, causing her to suffer a fatal heart attack.
The magazine 60 Million Consumers said it had been warning readers for years of the threat posed by some canisters.
"It is the first… death from such an explosion… [but] we knew it would happen one day," said deputy editor Benjamin Douriez.

France’s consumer protection agency said more than 200,000 defective siphons had been identified and returned to their sellers since 2010.