High School Reunion

Charlene's class loves to invite former teachers to her high school reunion.

Mr. Brown always attends, and this year he came with his wife. After an emergency phone call, she had to leave, but she told her husband to stay and have a good time with his former phys. ed. students. Mr. Brown remembered Char all too well, both in class and as a member of the girls' track team. As a way of introduction, he told her, "Girl, I knew your ass from all the way across the room."

Char wasn't offended  at all, and knew it was a compliment. She said, "Mr. Brown, you're as bad as you always were." He said "What you mean, girl?" She told him that she clearly remembered him patting and grabbing her ass at track practice, but he denied it, saying it was only a sportslike gesture of encouragement.

Char laughed softly and Mr. Brown said,  "If I wanted to grab your sexy ass, here's how I'd do it." Then his big ebony hand grabbed and squeezed her ass like an animal. She smiled again and whispered to him, "Nothing's changed, Mr. Brown." He whispered right back to her, "You fucking bitch."

That was the beginning of one incredible night.